Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why I Like the Month of January

First of all . . . . . . . . .
hit the pause button . . . . . . . . . , hear that? It's quiet.
Admit it, there are a lot of "additional" wonderful things we do
in the month of December
in order to make Christmas special and
to get the most out of the holidays.
But once January comes around, things move at just
a little bit slower pace.
The tree is down, the decoration boxes are put away.
The furniture is back to normal. This process also involves
dusting and vacuuming, so the house is clean too!
I'll still be enjoying my Christmas gifts
experimenting with my new cookbooks.
The weather will be cold and I'll want
to stay indoors with the family where it's warm and cozy.
I'll have time to read a book,
watch a movie,
sew something.
And January is a great time for project cleaning.
Project cleaning is when you tackle
one project at a time,
like the hall closet,
a shelf in the sewing room,
a box in the garage, the top shelf in my closet.
Just one thing at a time.

Yes, you might say, "well you don't have young children,
that need cared for and taken to various activities."
And to that I will say to you, "enjoy them while they are young and make them your priority, your time will come soon enough when you can enjoy this quiet I call January".
And that is why I like January.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Year is Winding Down

I have to say we had a great Christmas. Complete with lots of fun gifts, good food and hanging out with family. I'm on vacation until January 4th, so I'm planning on enjoying each day of it.

I got cook books for Christmas and I've been having fun reading through them. I received Pioneer Women's cookbook; http://thepioneerwoman.com/my_cookbook/

and the two Artisan Bread in Five Minutes cookbooks; http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com/

Today we had homemade bread for dinner and I was surprised how good it turned out. You make the yeast dough and let it rise then put it in the fridge (up to 14 days). When you want to cook bread you take out a chunk of dough, shape it, let it rest, then bake it. I'll put some pictures up later on my food blog.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December, where have thee gone?

I was shocked to look at my blog and see that I haven't posted since November. But that just shows you what the month of December does to any normal routine. It throws it all into a new state of non stop activity and general constant busyness.

But it's all been good.

There has been;
Two church Christmas parties
One Messiah program
One grand daughter dance recital
One visit with out of town relatives
Two trips to the Post Office
One trip to UPS
Four sewing projects to finish
Multiple trips to the store
Tons of wrapping gifts
Oh and did I mention - plus working 40 hours a week on my job.

It is now December 23rd, the tree is up and decorated, the presents are all wrapped, the candy making is all done (and mostly gone), the coworker gifts have been exchanged. This is the last work day until January 2010.

Tonight we get to step away from Christmas and celebrate Gisele's 9th birthday.

Tomorrow it's grocery shopping, laundry and housecleaning but at a much slower pace.

Happy Holidays to all!

Friday, November 27, 2009


I’ll warn you right up front, this could be a long post. I have spent many months pondering this and I think I have finally figured it out.

I suffer from blog envy. There I said it. I didn’t want to believe it was true. But I’m envious that all this technology didn’t exist when I was younger and raising my children.

After high school I ended up living out of state from my parents and most of my siblings. I raised my kids in the era of long distance phone calls, letters from home and occasional visits from Mom and Dad.

Fortunately, by the time I had children my parents were retired. So they enjoyed traveling and we did see them quite a bit during the year. But they had to wait for pictures in the mail to see how the kids were growing and to share in our milestones via long distance phone calls.

If I was a young parent today I would have a blog and my family that all live out of state could watch my children grow up. They would see them at their birthday parties, in their Halloween costumes, playing in the snow, visiting the zoo, you get the idea.

But alas, my children are grown up. I stay in touch with them and my siblings via various sources on the Internet and I’m grateful for that. And also grateful that phone calls don’t have long distance charges anymore.

So where does that leave me in the blogging world? Well, I have decided that I do fit in and have a purpose here. As a middle aged fairly average woman, I have a lot in common with many of you out there.

I work full-time, am in my second marriage, and face many of the same challenges that you do. I have the experience of raising my children, learning to set up a home, learning to shop and cook for a family.

I have hobbies, interests and activities that make me happy. However, I have a struggle fitting them into my schedule, just as you probably do also.

I will continue to blog because that is one of the activities that make me happy. And perhaps I might make you laugh, or sometimes I might make you cry. Or you just might discover something new here. You might get it or you might not. But either way I’ll be here.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


We had a nice Thanksgiving Day. Spoke with my four siblings on the phone and my daughter. Also Wally's girls in California. It was fun to hear how everyone would be spending their day and who they would be visiting.

The kitchen is cleaned up and we are relaxing, that is until Wally just came and said "if we're going to have something for dinner, we shouldn't eat it too late!" Well, back to the kitchen.....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

It will be a very quiet Thanksgiving Day at our house. Family is spread out this year so it will just be the three of us. However it still calls for the full turkey spread. Gotta have those leftovers. Since it's a four day weekend, I consider that I shouldn't have to do much more cooking after Thursday.

This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for my family. Thankful for my husband and between us our four children, two son-in-laws and one grand-daughter. And of course our siblings and their families. I frequently ponder the relationships I have with each of my siblings as we get older. Which ones do I have more in common with? How often do we see each other or talk on the phone? Luckily we have all this modern technology so the Internet keeps us somewhat connected. I don't say it often enough but I love each one of you.

It's also fun to stay in touch with extended family that I don't see too often. I like knowing what is going on in your lives. I cheer for you everyday.

I'm also grateful for my friends. That includes co-workers as well as my friends I have known for most of my life. There are those of you that have stayed in my life for so very many years, and for this I am grateful. There may have been times over the years when we weren't always involved in each other's life, but we have a history and because of that history you shall always be a part of my life.

I am grateful for my job and the fact that I have worked for the same company for almost 21 years.

I will remember Thanksgivings past when my Mom and Dad sat at our table with us, or my sister and her husband or most of our kids. There was even one year that my ex-husband's mother spent Thanksgiving with us.

Also at this time of year, my heart and prayers go out to my friends and family who are going through difficult times. My coworker who lost his grandmother, my Uncle who is spending his last days surrounded by his loving family and my little 8 year old nephew who is in the hospital.

To all of you I wish you health, happiness and peace. But wishing doesn't make it so, it's up to you.

Be grateful, be loving, be forgiving, be patient, be comfortable with who you are.

The Nielson family (circa. 1970s)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Crossing Items off the Yucky Things to Do List

1) love new health club, enjoyed the sauna this very evening.
2) car insurance paperwork completed along with an 89.00 refund check, sweet!
3) dog got her shot today and I actually got to stay in the room this time, (long story about her fear of going to the vet, I'll save for another day.
4) successful mammogram appointment, good results came back this week.

Now on to funner lists, like Thanksgiving dinner shopping and Christmas gift lists.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Yucky Things To Do List

Years ago when my brother-in-law passed away my sister came up with the expression, "I don't like having to be the responsible adult." Although I don't like the fact she had to come up with that statement in the first place, I have nonetheless always liked it. This last week as my "to do" list started getting yucky things to do added to it, the responsible adult expression came to mind.

My list of Yucky Things To Do might not by the same as your Yucky Things To Do List. I very carefully considered each item on my Yucky Things To Do List and decided that by doing them I would ultimately benefit from them in some way. So knowing this I had to put on my responsible adult hat and take action.

Here is my Yucky Things To Do List that I am currently working on:
1. Cancel current fitness club membership; what makes this yucky - I love it there and I have been going for almost 3 years and I'm comfortable with the ladies there. Then why do I want to cancel? For 10.00 less a month I can join a larger fitness center that offers way more amenities. This item was completed today on 11/9/09. It was difficult to walk in and tell them why I was dropping them. But on the bright side - today I had my first work out with a personal trainer, followed by my all time favorite thing to do - sitting in the sauna!

2. Cancel car insurance that we have had with the same agent for the last 20 years, awkward! The reason we are doing this - to combine the auto insurance with the home owners insurance for a 50% savings on the auto insurance. Can't pass that up. Just feel bad leaving the good agent that we had. This is currently in work and will be completed by the end of the month.

3. Schedule the dog for her rabies vaccine. Reason to do this is self explanatory. The yucky part is taking the time to go to the vet, which the dog completely hates, she freaks out and they usually have to remove her into the back room without me there in order to give her the injection. It's painful for the both of us and it's just one of those dreaded yucky things to do. I have a busy week this week so will schedule the appointment for next week.

4. Have my annual mammogram. Again benefit is self explanatory. Especially since I had a cousin pass away last year after losing her battle with breast cancer and two more cousins diagnosed and going through treatment this year. Appointment is scheduled for this month and once it's done it's over for a entire year. It's not that the actual mammogram is that bad, it's just again, time away from work and other things I'd rather be doing.

What's on your Yucky Things To Do List?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

October Trip to Los Angeles

Last week I had the chance to travel for my job. I flew out Sunday morning to the Long Beach Airport and spent the next four days in Cypress, California. This was my first time flying Jet Blue and I really enjoyed it. They have TV sets on the back of all the seats. I especially enjoyed the flight home on Thursday evening. I had a window seat, the middle seat was empty and the lady in the aisle seat who was traveling with her husband turned out to be from the same town in California where my son-in-law's parents live, and they knew them!

I stayed at the Marriott Courtyard, it was very pleasant. Nice flat screen TVs that swiveled, so I could watch in the evening as I did work on my laptop at the desk.

Dinner in the evenings was a variety of food and people. One night was pastrami and corned beef sandwiches on rye at Katella's Deli and Restaurant (and Bakery) in the company of my two nieces and great niece. It was a fun visit.

Another night a couple of us walked to Chilis, another night (first game of world series) we walked next door and ate in the lounge of a Mexican restaurant. I had an amazing plate there. It was called sizzling enchiladas with a creamy tomatillo sauce. I had steak, but you could also have chicken. It also had grilled mushrooms, onions and peppers and the flavors were so very good.

Another evening, a group of us went to a small family owned Italian restaurant where we sat for hours visiting and eating. Good food and good company.

The off-site I attended during the day was very good and productive. Good team of people to be working with.

I put in a lot of extra work hours in the evening, but it was good so I didn't feel so behind on Friday after missing four regular working days.

The oddest thing I'd have to say about the week was 1.) not driving a car for four days (we were close enough to walk the two blocks to the office and the others had rental cars so I didn't need one) and 2.) not seeing what the back of my hair looked like for four days!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Trudy vs. James Hill - October

Trudy 4 - James Hill 5

August and September - I am losing the battle big time now! It's now mid-October and I haven't walked the hill since May. But I can say I have been exercising (occasionally anyway). I went running and to Curves just last week.

July - I lost again in July, I did not do the hill. You would think in the summertime I would be out walking the hill every week, not gonna happen. I still have five months left to catch up.

June - I lost again this month, I did not do the hill.

May 23 - 38 minutes (new PB), temperature about 65 degrees, wonderful walk.

Apr. 25 - 41 minutes (temperature about 50 degrees) It was off and on sunny. Springtime is pretty on the hill.

March - I didn't do the hill in March. I blame it on the weather and busy Saturdays, I know that's no excuse!

Feb. 21 - 40 minutes (temperature about 58 degrees)

Jan. 31 - 39 minutes

The goal is to walk up the hill starting at the Chevron on Central Ave. up to the pedestrian walk-way at the grade school and back down the hill, a minimum of once a month this year.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Halloween Craft

So I'm on vacation this week and it's been rainy. Perfect weather for staying indoors making fun crafts. I found this pattern on a web site a couple of nights ago. This afternoon I made 7 of them.

I think they are just adorable and you can do so many different designs with them. I'm going to put candy in them and give them to some friends.
Here is the website with the template and check out the other great Halloween ideas.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Utah Trip - October 2009

Day 1 - Thursday 8th
Wayne drove Wally and I to the airport. Wayne is a man of few words so when he said, "sit on the left side of the plane", we listened and were rewarded with this beautiful sight of Mt. Rainier.

Wally and I arrived at the SLC airport and waited for my sister Sue to arrive from Boise. Then Natalie picked us up and we went out for Thai food for lunch. On the way home we also visited Dunford Bakers which happens to be right behind Natalie's house. They have delicious donuts and a really good variety. http://www.dunfordbakers.com/index.html

This turned out to be cousin's day. Our cousin Russell came to Natalie's house to visit us and brought us a great little note book of our Mom's letters and poetry which she had written to my uncle.

Here is a picture of my sister Sue, our cousin Russell and me.
Then later, Natalie's cousin Goldie and her husband Matt and daughter Aleena from California joined us. We ate dinner and dessert and they spent the night with us. It was so much fun to see them.

For dinner we had make your own sandwiches, chips, salad and for dessert some "awesome" eclairs that Natalie picked up at Carol's Caked and Pastry Shop in Sugar House. They were so very good. http://www.dexknows.com/business_profiles/carol_s_cakes_and_pastry_shop_inc-b568084

Emily picked Sue up and took her to Nancy's house in Springville for the night.

Here's a picture of Scott, Natalie, Goldie, Aleena and Matt with Lewis the dog.

Day 2 - Friday 9th
It was nice to have leftover donuts and eclairs for breakfast! Plus toast and fruit. Goldie and Matt left to pick up Serene from the airport and head south for the wedding festivities they were in town to attend.

Natalie,Wally and I ran some errands, grocery shopping and bought bulbs to plant in Natalie's backyard. Then in the afternoon we headed to Springville to pick up Sue to drive to Ephraim for the night. We checked into the hotel in Ephraim and went out for Mexican food for dinner. Then back to the hotel where Sue, Natalie and I enjoyed the outdoor hot tub.

Before driving back to the hotel we drove over to Manti to see the temple at night. Such a beautiful sight.

Manti Temple
Day 3 - Saturday 10th
This was a very busy day. It was the purpose of our trip. The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers put together a day to celebrate my great, great-grandparents Robert and Elizabeth Johnson. My father, A. Errol Nielson's mother was Alice Johnson, her father was Alma Johnson and his father was Robert Johnson.

This is a picture of a Pioneer dug out on the side of the hill which the temple was built on.
My Aunt Margaret delivering a speech at the cemetary as a memorial wreath was placed on the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Memorial.After the cemetary we went to the Manti Tabernacle for lunch and a program. At the Tabernacle was a craft table and also display tables of the ancestors.

Sue, Nancy and I

We then drove back to Nancy's house in Springville where Emily made us home-made chili and cornbread for dinner. It was delicious. It's a family recipe that wins many chili cook offs. Here is the basic recipe. Everyone doctors it up a little bit, their way.


After dinner we drove back to West Jordan where we spent the night at Natalie's house.

Day 4 - Sunday 11th
Sunday morning we slept in and then went to brunch at a place called The Dodo. It was delicious. I had raspberry pancakes. http://www.thedodo.net/

After brunch we drove through the avenues looking at the beautiful homes and reminiscing from when I lived downtown during my college days. We even found an estate sale where we bought a ceramic fish, driftwood and seashell wind chime. Later Scott looked up the artist'same and we discovered that it came from Fresno, CA and retailed for 166.00. We bought it for 15.00!

We also went to Memory Grove park where the leaves were turning and it was a beautiful day for photos.

With my sister Sue. We are the oldest and the youngest siblings of five.
This was just a fun bench so we took pictures at it. Just a casual afternoon in the park.

Wally and IHere is picture of the LDS Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake taken from the McCune Mansion.
After the park we went and visited an Italian deli, where we bought French milk chocolate bars. Then it was off to the airport to drop Sue off for her flight home to Boise. When we got back to Natalie's home Sue called to tell me that her flight was 90 minutes late! Luckily she had a good book with her.

Natalie and I planted the flower bulbs in the backyard. It's hard to believe we have to wait till springtime to see the result of our labor.

For dinner we made home-made corn tortilla's with the tortilla press Wally had made. We had chicken tacos with homemade guacamole and pico and all the fixings, it was delicious. Then we relaxed in front of the TV and caught up on some recorded shows.

Day 5 - Monday 12th
Monday was the day to fly home. In the morning I drove Wally to McD's for some breakfast, that's his treat when we are traveling. Then Natalie and I snuck out to do some shopping at Kohls. We had great success. I was able to get everything packed back into our suitcases, including the fish wind chimes, extra clothes and the binder we got from the family event.

We then decided to go bowling. I love to bowl and haven't been bowling for a year or so. Wally watched as Natalie, Scott and I bowled. Then it was lunch at Johnny Carino's.

After that it was time to go to the airport for Wally and I to head home.

I'm always sad when I leave Natalie behind in Salt Lake. It was so much fun to hang out with her and Scott, to stay at their house and spend time together.
It was fun to see all the family and friends that we did get to visit with on this trip.

It was a great trip. When I got home I remained on vacation the rest of the week and we celebrated Wally's birthday. It's back to work tomorrow!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

World's Oldest Person Dies at 115

Gertrude Baines died peacefully in her sleep on Friday, September 11, 2009. She was born on April 6, 1894. She became the oldest person in the world in January after another 115 year old woman died. And now the oldest person in the world is Japan's Kama Chien at 114.

Gertrude has no living relatives. She had only been in a nursing home for the last 10 years and before that lived on her own. Her only daughter died at the age of 18. This had to be a woman who had an amazing social network.

I have no plans to live until 115. Even though there's never enough time to do everything we want to do in life, really what would you do for all those extra years? I guess as I get older I might change my thinking about that.

Quote from the news; "According to the Times, when Baines was asked by reporters her secret for living a long life, she would reply "Ask God."

Here's a little fact for you: A supercentenarian (sometimes hyphenated as super-centenarian) is someone who has reached the age of 110 years, something achieved by only one in a thousand centenarians (based on European data). Furthermore, only 1 in 50 supercentenarians lives to be 115.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Last night as I was laying in bed thinking about my birthday today, I started thinking about a few memorable birthdays I've had in the past.

The first one that came to mind was my 16th birthday. I remember I was babysitting for a family whose parents had gone overseas. I was living at their house taking care of the kids on my birthday. That day my friends came over with everything to make root beer floats.

On my 22nd birthday, I was out of college living in an apartment in Salt Lake City with a friend. My parents were always great about sending letters and fun boxes in the mail. For this birthday my Dad had put together a paper poster like thing (I remember it was orange) and attached to it 22 - 2.00 bills for my 22nd birthday.

The next year on my 23rd birthday I was married and had a 1 month old baby. That night I remember I cooked steak and corn on the cob for dinner and my husband had forgotten my birthday! I didn't say anything about it. A few days later his mother remembered it and we celebrated then. (It was our first year of marriage and coincidentally that marriage didn't last.) After that I learned to start talking about my birthday well in advance.

Another birthday memory is my 30th birthday. At that time I was divorced with two small children and was having a long distance romance with my now husband who at that time worked in another state. He came to town to celebrate my birthday and we had dinner at the Spaghetti Factory in Trolley Square and he gave me a beautiful necklace. The necklace was a tri-colored heart. I wore that every single day for years until the heart wore so thin it could no longer stay on the chain. Now I keep it in my jewelry box.

Birthdays are very different now that I'm older. Mostly less fanfare. I still make it "my day" and actually since it's on the first of the month, I can drag it out for weeks, with lunch with friends and more dinners with family. I enjoyed all the Birthday wishes on Facebook, and email, the cards that came in the mail and the phone calls.

My parents used to call and sing Happy Birthday to me and then hang up the phone. It was the cutest thing. That was back in the days where you paid for long distance phone calls. Those calls are greatly missed. I appreciate my sister and brother-in-law calling and singing today. I told them they were lucky I was by myself and in the car cause I had them on speaker phone!

And then there was the Key Lime Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. All in all it was a good day. And besides, really aren't I just one day older anyway? And when you think about it, so are you!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Birthdays!

Happy Birthday!
My niece Katie Aug. 30th
My cousin Russell Aug. 30th
My niece Lillie Sept. 2nd
Remembering Mom, "Lc", who would have celebrated her 87th Birthday on August 31st.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Just Do It!

Don't judge me, it happens to the best of us!
So tonight I tackled a project that has been driving me crazy for months - the big mess under the kitchen sink. I took everything out, sorted what stays and what goes. Washed the plastic holders and took the liner outside to hose it off. The liner is in the garage drying overnight since it's trying to rain outside.

I didn't really find anything too interesting except new scrubber things. It feels nice to finally cross an item off my procrastination list. Oh, do you have one of those lists too?

Coming soon: organized-under-the-sink-photos. For now it's still a work in progress. Oh, I guess I better go pick it all up off the floor so people can walk around in the kitchen.
Your challenge now for the upcoming month of September is to find that household chore that you have been putting off doing. The one that drives you crazy everytime you open that drawer, cupboard, door, etc.
Just do it, you'll be glad you did.

Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24, 1945

1945, the year my parents got married. Today would have been their 64th wedding anniversary. In 1995 we had a 50th Anniversary party for them in Island Park, Idaho with friends and family. Dad died 3 years later, two months before their 53rd anniversary.

August is not just their anniversary month, but also both of their birthdays.

Here is their wedding picture. My Mom turned 23 a week after they were married and Dad had just turned 31.

On this their anniversary day, I take time out of my day to think about them and what this day might have meant to them 64 years ago.

Did their life turn out to be all that they expected it might be? Did they anticipate the children they would raise, the ups and downs of parenting and the joys of being a grandparent? Did they know they would have 20 wonderful years together after Dad retired? Time they spent traveling and visiting with friends and family. And the many summers they spent at the cabin in Island Park welcoming all who would venture up for a visit.

If I could talk to them now, if only for a moment, I would tell them I love them and thank them for all they did for me. For the example they set with the lives they lived, for their patience and sacrifice. For always telling me, "we just want you to be happy".

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Fantastic Summer Day

What a great Saturday it has been. It's been all about the beautiful weather and wonderful friends.
I started my day visiting with Barbara. I loaned her my serger and helped her set it up. We visited for a little bit.
Then home for a clothing change and off to the church to the baptism of two young women. It was so nice and the talks were so good.
From there I ran to the store and also put gas in the car.
Came home, changed clothes again, picked up Wally and went to the Smith's home to return some folding tables that I borrowed earlier in the week.
We wandered through Sue's beautiful flower garden, visited the chickens and came home with seeds from the hummingbird plant and fresh picked cucumbers and zucchini. Yum.
From there we stopped at the street corner and bought some Yakima peaches and nectarines. Then on to the gas station to put gas in the truck and to fill the gas can for the lawn mower. For we all know it won't be much longer before the green lawns return and we'll be mowing the lawn for a couple more months.
Took Wally home and picked up my layered bean dip which I had made at 8:30 in the morning.
Went to some friends new home for an open house and barbecue. Had a nice visit and was happy to see little Emma who used to be in my Primary class. It was just relaxing sitting in the backyard in the shade with the wind blowing. Just beautiful.
On the way home I stopped at Carpinito Brothers for some fresh corn on the cob, squash and bell peppers.
Here I am home again and in an hour we are heading to Black Angus for my free birthday steak dinner. Just the first of many birthday dinners in the next few weeks.
I'm loving the sunshine and the breeze today. Grocery shopping will wait till next week!
Hope all of you are also enjoying this beautiful summer day wherever you are!
And as I'm writing the radio is playing "Knights in White Satin". Brings back a ton of memories.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Drop Dead Diva

You start with an attractive blonde model wannabe who gets in a car accident, dies and goes to heaven. Where of course she is very upset and gets mad at the guy checking her into heaven. She reaches across his desk and hits the return key on his computer.

Well she returns all right. In the body of a woman who has just been shot. Only problem is this woman is brunette a smart attorney and is overweight.

So the guy from heaven comes to earth as her guardian angel and is now Fred the mail boy in the law office. And the boyfriend of the blonde woman gets hired at the same law office.

In just a couple of episodes this Lifetime series pulls you in with the cast of characters from her assistant to her former best friend who is the only person she has told and who actually believes her.

Check it out. Sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. Pacific time on Lifetime.

"Life looks different the second time around."

Trudy vs. James Street Hill - July

Trudy 4 - James Hill 3

July - I lost again in July, I did not do the hill. You would think in the summertime I would be out walking the hill every week, not gonna happen. I still have five months left to catch up.

June - I lost again this month, I did not do the hill.

May 23 - 38 minutes (new PB), temperature about 65 degrees, wonderful walk.

Apr. 25 - 41 minutes (temperature about 50 degrees) It was off and on sunny. Springtime is pretty on the hill.

March - I didn't do the hill in March. I blame it on the weather and busy Saturdays, I know that's no excuse!

Feb. 21 - 40 minutes (temperature about 58 degrees)

Jan. 31 - 39 minutes

The goal is to walk up the hill starting at the Chevron on Central Ave. up to the pedestrian walk-way at the grade school and back down the hill, a minimum of once a month this year.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Evening Primrose

This is a really cool flower that my sister in Idaho has had for years. This summer I was able to bring home a small plant from hers. The flowers open up at dusk right in front of your eyes. I was able to capture one opening tonight.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Very Productive Friday

This is how my Friday went:

Woke up at 4:00 a.m., puzzled as to what day of the week it was. Figured out it was Friday and that I would have to get up for work, went back to sleep until 6:00 a.m.

Out of bed, showered and out the door by 6:30. Quick stop at McD's (breakfast burritos are 1.00 and they have the best chocolate milk). Arrived at office did some work till meeting started at 8:00 a.m. From 8:00 to 1:30 p.m. I was in day three of a meeting. It was a requirements gathering workshop for a new computer system. It was fun, but it's what we call a brain drain.

A little more work at the office then home by 3:15 to get my computer up and running in time for a 3:30 meeting which ended up taking place at 5:00 p.m.

Then it was open three days worth of mail, make dinner, a trip to Walgreen's and Top Foods, do the dishes, mop the kitchen floor, clean the bathroom.

Ahhhh, all done now. Time to go to bed so I'll be refreshed in the morning for the Kent Cornucopia Days 5K. Then in the afternoon it's off to the carnival and street fair with our 8 year old grand-daughter.

I love summertime!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Birdwatching (or a Walk on the Wild Side)

I did something this morning that I have never done before. With three friends, all of us armed with cameras, binoculars and hats we went bird watching in the Kent industrial area. There is a pond that is off the road surrounded by various trees and plants and very protected.

We walked for a couple of hours where we not only watched but also listened to a variety of birds. Luckily my friends knew what types of birds they were. There were also many pretty plants and lots of butterflies and dragonflies.

We saw sparrows, robins, ducks, geese, blue herons, sandpipers, killdeers, yellow birds and more. At the end of our walk we watched from across the pond as one of the herons devoured a frog.

It was a fun morning. It was very surprising to discover what is just right in front of me if I only take the time to be still, watch and listen.
Here are a few pictures.

Trudy vs. James Street Hill June

Trudy 4 - James Hill 2

June - I lost this month, I did not do the hill. I promise to do it twice sometime later to make up for June.
May 23 - 38 minutes (new PB), temperature about 65 degrees, wonderful walk.
Apr. 25 - 41 minutes (temperature about 50 degrees) It was off and on sunny. Springtime is pretty on the hill.
March - I didn't do the hill in March. I blame it on the weather and busy Saturdays, I know that's no excuse!
Feb. 21 - 40 minutes (temperature about 58 degrees)
Jan. 31 - 39 minutes

The goal is to walk up the hill starting at the Chevron on Central Ave. up to the pedestrian walk-way at the grade school and back down the hill, a minimum of once a month this year.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Vacation Anticipation

It's coming up and I'm looking forward to it. It's an annual trip we do with my siblings and their families. A week together at the cabin on the lake. They will be about 20 of us there. We're figuring out all the food and what days everyone arrives.

This trip I get to meet some NEW additions to the family since last summer, a new great niece and a great nephew. And I get to see my other adorable great nieces and nephews too.

On the menu is chili, pizza, Mexican food, chorizo w/rice and other good stuff. And don't forget bacon and eggs and pancakes every morning for breakfast cooked on the restaurant griddle that Dad bought years ago.

We have tickets to see Guys and Dolls at the Playmill Playhouse in West Yellowstone. And we even get to play tourist in town
(and pretend we haven't been going there for the last 40+ years).
There may be a trip into Yellowstone Park or there might not be.
Sometimes it's just nice to stay at the cabin and relax, sew, read, eat, eat fudge,
sleep, visit, play games, fish, sit outside in the sunshine,
sit in the cabin and watch the electrical storms at night on the lake,
chase bats out of the cabin and rescue an occasional hummingbird.

The trip never ceases to surprise me.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I Did It!

I have officially ran my first 5K race (and walked some). It was at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Seattle. I participated in the non-competitive women's 5K. It was great. The start line was almost as exciting as the finish line.

We ran on the viaduct overlooking the Seattle waterfront on one side and downtown Seattle on the other side. There was more uphill than I expected and the finish line was misleading. As you came down off the viaduct it looked like you were done then you had to turn and do a couple of more blocks.

The temperature was about 58 degrees. Some of the best advice I read on the Internet as I was preparing for this race was to dress as if the temperature is 15 degrees warmer than it is. Great advice.

After the race inside Quest Stadium was tons of booths with free samples of food products, water bottles, bags, etc. There were bananas, bagels and yogurt just to mention a few.

There was also entertainment. I was there for some of the drumming groups. It was great to see a lot of families there and to see the cancer survivors in their pink shirts.

For more information about breast cancer: http://www.iamthecure.org/

Friday, May 29, 2009

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

This June will be my first time participating in this fundraiser.

If you feel so inclined to donate to a good cause the link below will take you to my Race web page. They make it very easy to donate on-line and even 5.00 would help the cause. There is a box for "other" amounts.

I found out this week that my company will donate 100.00 for each employee that completes the walk/run, so that's exciting.

Thank you for your support.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trudy vs. James Street Hill - May

Trudy 4 - James Hill 1

May 23 - 38 minutes (new PB), temperature about 65 degrees, wonderful walk.

Apr. 25 - 41 minutes (temperature about 50 degrees) It was off and on sunny. Springtime is pretty on the hill.

March - I didn't do the hill in March. I blame it on the weather and busy Saturdays, I know that's no excuse!

Feb. 21 - 40 minutes (temperature about 58 degrees)

Jan. 31 - 39 minutes

The goal is to walk up the hill starting at the Chevron on Central Ave. up to the pedestrian walk-way at the grade school and back down the hill, a minimum of once a month this year.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Time for the Weekend

I realize it's only Thursday night, but I'm so ready for the weekend. I say bring it on.
The weather is great. I got my bike out today after work for a short ride.
Friday is a half day for me at work and Monday is a holiday.
So I'm looking forward to some fun and relaxation this week.
And of course - James Hill on Saturday.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Tribute to My Mom - Elsie Bowler Nielson

It's Mother's Day once again and I think about my mother who passed away five years ago. She was an absolutely delightful woman. I have very fond memories of her, not just from growing up as the youngest child in Boise, but many memories of her from my adult life as well.

This is a picture of her when she was in her early 20's.

To name a few things that made her special to me:
  1. She was a great candy maker
  2. She always talked to strangers
  3. She was a wonderful letter writer
  4. She was a great poet and writer in general
  5. She had an incredible sense of humor and sharp wit
  6. She loved her family very much
  7. She always said to me, whatever decision I make is okay with her, as long as I'm happy
  8. She adored my Father
  9. She baked wonderful cinnamon rolls which I would come home to after school
  10. She had a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ which she loved to share
I spent the weekend in Boise caring for her shortly before she passed away from Alzheimer's. Although I'm not sure she knew who I was and she couldn't talk much, when I tucked her into bed at night, she put her hand on my face and looked at me with those big brown eyes and said, "pretty".

This is a lilac plant that was given to me by my step-daughters after she passed away. We have lovingly nicknamed it "Lc". It has spent most of it's years in a pot on the patio and this spring we found it a permanent spot in the backyard. Mom always loved turtles so we found a ceramic turtle which is at the base along with a butterfly.

If I could say anything to those of you who still have your Mothers around, it would be cherish the time you have with them, learn from them and love them.

Age 72

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mars Real Chocolate Relief Act

Every Friday you can go to this website and sign up to receive a coupon for a free candy bar. They are running the promotion through the summer. The limit is one coupon on Fridays and a total of four during the promotion period.

Just something fun and free. I like free.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blog Stalking

I just love reading all of your blogs.
It's so much fun to see what everyone is up too, how the kids are growing,
what new thing you're learning to do.
I view blogs of people I know.
And I view blogs of total strangers who allow me a glimpse into their lives.
Is it fun because it's not my life?
Or is it fun because perhaps I have something in common with that person?
Did you know you can have things in common with a person you've never met?
Sometimes when I read about other people's interests, loves and activities,
it sparks something in me and I think,
Yeah, I like that too, or I could do that, or that looks like fun.
Thanks for sharing it all.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Trudy vs. James Street Hill - April

Trudy 3 - James Hill 1

Apr. 25 - 41 minutes (temperature about 50 degrees) It was off and on sunny. Springtime is pretty on the hill.

I start at the bottom of the hill and when I reach this street the steepness of the hill goes away and I know I can make it to the top.

March - I didn't do the hill in March. I blame it on the weather and busy Saturdays, I know that's no excuse!

Feb. 21 - 40 minutes (temperature about 58 degrees)

Jan. 31 - 39 minutes

The goal is to walk up the hill starting at the Chevron on Central Ave. up to the pedestrian walk-way at the grade school and back down the hill, a minimum of once a month this year.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Utah Trip - Starting with the Food!

I have to show you this great pizza I had for lunch at SeaTac airport. It was called Tutti Carne and had pepperoni and sausage with fresh basil, it was so good.

Then there was the Nachos from Porcupine Pub where we met our cousin Russell for dinner.

Then on my last day, Natalie and I went to Leatherby's for a good old fashioned ice cream sundae. She had the black and white and I ordered the white and tan sundae. It was almond ice cream and vanilla ice cream with carmel and chocolate toppings.

What? You don't eat fries with your ice cream?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It's 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday night. My bag is pretty much packed, the laundry is all done, the kitchen is cleaned up and homemade cookies are on the counter. Tomorrow I board a plane to Salt Lake City. It's my annual "sisters" trip. This was started many years ago.

I live in Washington State, two sisters live in Idaho and one sister in Utah. The sister in Utah is a school teacher. This is her spring break. I'll meet my two sisters from Idaho at the Salt Lake airport were my daughter will pick us up.

Then it's off to dinner with our cousin Russell. After dinner Natalie will drive us south of Salt Lake to Springville where we will stay with Nancy until Sunday afternoon.

While in Springville, we will eat, clean house, catch up laundry, run errands, eat some more, talk, read, watch movies and visit the local quilt shop. It's the ultimate girls vacation.

I'll also get to visit some friends and attend a wedding reception while I am there.

While I'm gone my husband and son have to fend for themselves. They don't really cook so it either has to be microwaved, boiled or fast food. They're adults so I don't worry about them. I do worry about the dog however since she can only do so much for herself and really does depends on others. But it's just 5 days and she can survive the minor inconvenience.

The moment I hit that airplane seat with my iPod and book in place, I will relax and enjoy whatever comes my way. I'll check in later and post pictures.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Through the Eyes of a Three Year Old

Today in church we had our hands full with 6 three year olds. For the first time in over three months, two crayons attacked the chalkboard. They move so fast it was unavoidable.

The best thing today was when I looked at the only little girl in class and asked, "Did you mix the green and blue play dough together?" She smiled at me and said, "yes".
Then one of the little boys who surprisingly was listening when I asked her, looked over at her wads of blue and green play dough on the table and said, "it's the world".

Now how come I didn't see that?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Trudy vs. James Street Hill - March

Trudy 2 - James Hill 1

March - I didn't do the hill in March. I blame it on the weather and busy Saturdays, I know that's no excuse!

Feb. 21 - 40 minutes (temperature about 58 degrees)

Jan. 31 - 39 minutes

The goal is to walk up the hill starting at the Chevron on Central Ave. up to the pedestrian walk-way at the grade school and back down the hill, a minimum of once a month this year.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What I've Been Reading

I just finished two books by Gregg Olsen who is a local Washington state author. He writes both fiction and non-fiction books. First I read a true crime story called "Starvation Heights". It was set in Washington State in the early 1900s, about a woman doctor who believed the cure all for all health problems was fasting of course she also had her patients sign over their money and property to her before they died of starvation. The story focuses mainly on two sisters and the trial of the doctor when one of the sisters dies. It is very well written, somewhat unpleasant to read at times because of the details of what the patients endured.

The second book of his I read was a fiction book called "A Wicked Snow". It is the story of a young girl who witnesses a horrible crime when she was younger. She is now grown up, married and has a daughter. She works as a CSI agent and her husband is a police office. She learns that you cannot hide from the past forever and it comes back to haunt her as she is forced to face what really happened.

Switching gears big time in a completely different direction, I just started a book I bought on eBay that was recommended in a seminar I took recently at the Sewing Expo. The seminar was on organization and the instructor Libby Lehman highly recommended the book, "Getting Things Done, The Art of Stress-Fee Productivity", by David Allen. Who doesn't need that in their lives? I just started it this weekend.

Friday, March 13, 2009


7th picture from the 7th folder and tag 7 people.
Say hello to my great nephew Ethan Matthew and his Daddy John and his Grandma Sue. He was born on February 27, 2009.

I tag Goldie, Rachel O., April, Kelsey, Lindsay, Rachel M., and cousin Marla.

July Already and Only My 2nd Post this Year!

I have to say this year, 2023 has been a huge year of firsts for me. In January I went on my very first cruise. My friend Chris and I flew t...