Friday, July 3, 2009

Birdwatching (or a Walk on the Wild Side)

I did something this morning that I have never done before. With three friends, all of us armed with cameras, binoculars and hats we went bird watching in the Kent industrial area. There is a pond that is off the road surrounded by various trees and plants and very protected.

We walked for a couple of hours where we not only watched but also listened to a variety of birds. Luckily my friends knew what types of birds they were. There were also many pretty plants and lots of butterflies and dragonflies.

We saw sparrows, robins, ducks, geese, blue herons, sandpipers, killdeers, yellow birds and more. At the end of our walk we watched from across the pond as one of the herons devoured a frog.

It was a fun morning. It was very surprising to discover what is just right in front of me if I only take the time to be still, watch and listen.
Here are a few pictures.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Awesome pictures!!

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