Friday, November 27, 2009


I’ll warn you right up front, this could be a long post. I have spent many months pondering this and I think I have finally figured it out.

I suffer from blog envy. There I said it. I didn’t want to believe it was true. But I’m envious that all this technology didn’t exist when I was younger and raising my children.

After high school I ended up living out of state from my parents and most of my siblings. I raised my kids in the era of long distance phone calls, letters from home and occasional visits from Mom and Dad.

Fortunately, by the time I had children my parents were retired. So they enjoyed traveling and we did see them quite a bit during the year. But they had to wait for pictures in the mail to see how the kids were growing and to share in our milestones via long distance phone calls.

If I was a young parent today I would have a blog and my family that all live out of state could watch my children grow up. They would see them at their birthday parties, in their Halloween costumes, playing in the snow, visiting the zoo, you get the idea.

But alas, my children are grown up. I stay in touch with them and my siblings via various sources on the Internet and I’m grateful for that. And also grateful that phone calls don’t have long distance charges anymore.

So where does that leave me in the blogging world? Well, I have decided that I do fit in and have a purpose here. As a middle aged fairly average woman, I have a lot in common with many of you out there.

I work full-time, am in my second marriage, and face many of the same challenges that you do. I have the experience of raising my children, learning to set up a home, learning to shop and cook for a family.

I have hobbies, interests and activities that make me happy. However, I have a struggle fitting them into my schedule, just as you probably do also.

I will continue to blog because that is one of the activities that make me happy. And perhaps I might make you laugh, or sometimes I might make you cry. Or you just might discover something new here. You might get it or you might not. But either way I’ll be here.


Rachael said...

I think everyone should blog if they want to. We might not all have super super popular blogs or a million readers but it's important for us and our posterity.

I always enjoy your blog.

Goldie said...

I love that you blog! I love hearing about you and it keeps me close to you. xoxo

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