Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 - My Year in Review

As 2010 comes to a close, it's hard to believe that the year 2000 was a decade ago. Here is a quick recap of my year.

Business trip to Washington DC in March with a layover in Minneapolis with enough time to go see the Mall of America.
Sisters trip to Utah in April.
Family vacation to the cabin in June.
Wally and I did a getaway weekend to the Olympic National Park. We stayed at Crescent Lake, it was great.
Lillie visited us in Seattle in August.
I decided to stop coloring my hair. I want to see what my natural color is.
Wally's sister Carmen passed away of cancer.
My sister's father-in-law Lloyd Berg passed away.
Best fiction book I read this year - The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
Best nonfiction book I read this year - Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.
New fun to read fiction author I discovered - Diane Mott Davidson.
Saw Los Lonely Boys in concert.
Saw Heart in concert at the Puyallup Fair.
Met the Pioneer Woman at her cookbook signing - thanks to Melissa for getting me the ticket.
Developed the habit of going to the gym in the early morning before work. Still going 4 - 5 days a week at 6:15 a.m.
I decided I liked knitting on a loom and made hats for Christmas gifts.
Happy to still be gainfully employed and at the time still working from home.
The family is happy and healthy and looking forward to 2011.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Homemade Christmas Things

Now that the gifts have been given and opened I can post a few pictures of some things I made for Christmas gift - hats and table runners.

The table runners are made in a Chevron pattern and are a quilt as you go design. The hats are made on the Provo Craft circle knitting looms. I'm loving the knitting loom right now. I think because it's something I can actually start and finish!

Now I have a couple, okay more than a couple, of quilting projects to finish. Pictures later.

Monday, December 20, 2010

What to Do

The other day as I was procrastinating, I was thinking that most everything I do falls into these categories: what I want to do, what I need to do and what I actually end up doing.

Some evenings I want to do absolutely nothing, maybe knit in front of the TV. What I need to do is usually clean up the kitchen, maybe some laundry. Sometimes what I actually end up doing is sitting at the computer.

I guess I just have to find the balance in the needs and the wants and then throw in some of the "whatever I do is just fine" and be satisfied.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Visual Reminder

I found this picture on a blog. The lady had driven past this church in Rhode Island and turned around to have a better look.

When I look at this picture it reminds me that we all have basic needs, some of us have more than others and there is always at least one little thing we can do to help another person, without judgement.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hair Update

At 5 1/2 months. I'm really liking the color that is coming in. And it even looks like I'm growing new baby hair in my receding hair line.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

On Cory Lane

I grew up on Cory Lane in Boise, Idaho. I lived there from 1965 until I went away to college in 1975. We had a big two story five bedroom home with a barn, carport and a pasture with irrigation ditches.

There are times now when I go outside in the late evening to retrieve something from my car or take out the garbage and I look at the dark quiet street and the stars in the sky and it often reminds me of my teenage years when I stood outside at night on Cory Lane.

On Cory Lane
At night the sky hangs over us,
the stars quietly fill in the space.
The moon gazes down
and I am at peace.

During the day time I sometimes stand
before my second story window,
looking down the street.
But no one is there.
I sit in my room and listen
to my records.
I sing along, loudly.

In the summertime we go to
the neighbors garage,
and we get to play
the jukebox.
All the neighborhood kids are there
and we have fun.

Dad convinces me it's fun to help him in the garden,
I play in the irrigation water,
and pretend to waterski on the front lawn.

In the front and in the back
there stands a weeping willow tree.
Did you know you really can
grab a branch and swing from it?

Sometimes in the yard there might be a snake,
or the calf gets out of the pasture
and frightens us outside the living room window.

My dislike of catepillars is from Cory Lane.
They would hang from the apple tree
and drop down on you.
Big, fat fuzzy catepillars.

In the front yard was also a black walnut tree.
The walnuts would fall to the ground,
we would then have to pick them up
and place them in the driveway,
where the cars would run over them
and the outside layer
would fall away.
Revealing a hard black shell.
Mom would sit and crack them,
and then she would put them in her
homemade candy.
(I never learned to like the taste of them.)

We rode bikes, a lot.
And we wore beaded necklaces that we had made.
We wore t-shirts and levi's.

We liked A & W, Dairy Queen and McDonald's.
We liked girls camp.
And eventually we liked boys.
And dancing.

And then we grew up.
And I still like A&W, Dairy Queen and McDonald's,
one boy in particular
and dancing.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Lately I've been thinking a lot about habits. Good habits and bad habits. Last April I made the decision to start going to the gym at 6:00 a.m. before work. My goal was to go five days a week, Monday - Friday.

In the beginning it was hard, I had to wake up one hour earlier than normal. There were days I wanted to turn off the alarm and stay in bed. There were times when I went out of town and got off my schedule.

But I went right back to it when I could. I think they say it takes 3 weeks before a habit becomes routine. Or if you are trying to break a bad habit, then it would take that long to replace the bad habit with a good habit.

I really like exercising in the morning. I get it done and then when I get off work it's one less thing to do. It makes me feel good to start my day that way. Some days I get to spend some time in the sauna, which is one of my favorite things to do.

I worried when summer was ending, knowing it would get darker and colder in the mornings. But you know what happened? The darkness and the cold were gradual. Because I was still going every morning, I adjusted to it. I've had ice on the windshield this week but that's okay.

I had a few workouts with a trainer and was even given two free sessions. That helped to change up my routine and learn new things. The only downside to mornings are that most of the classes offered are later in the day.

Another added benefit is getting to spend a solid 30 or 45 minutes reading while on a machine.

Now that I have this good habit established, maybe it's time to conquer another one.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Son!

This is my son in 1988 at age 6 at my wedding to Wally. Today he turns 28 years old.

He still has the dark hair, the dark eyes, but he lost the baby fat.

He is a talented artist, loves all kinds of music, takes good car of his car, works hard, likes to fish, likes to go to concerts, he's quiet, he's helpful, he's kind and he has a good sense of humor. And when he was younger he would play Yahtzee with me on Sunday nights.

He was the child at the grocery store check out when I would say, "would you like a candy?" his reply was "no". The child that would have to be physically carried out of Toys 'R Us, (but quietly, no big scenes for him).

The child that played one season of T-ball and one season of soccer and then announced to me that he knew where we could just buy the trophies instead of having to play the sports!

The child that brought home caterpillars in his pocket only to be discovered months later as cocoons hanging on his shirt in the closet.

As a baby, a child, a teen and an adult he has brought great joy to my life.

Happy Birthday Wayne, may this be a great year for you.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

The View from Above

Wow is all I have to say! Getting there, just taking awhile. (I don't actually wear my hair combed back like this, if you were wondering.)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

O is for Orange in October

Things that are orange in October:
Candy corn
Candy wrappers
Funny socks

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hair Update - 4 Months

Well, this week it will be four months since I last colored my hair. I have had three hair cuts in that time. You can see the growth at my part and on the sides. So far I like what I see growing in, it's just taking such a long time.

At this rate I figure it'll probably be about 4 to 6 more months before it's all transitioned. The pictures help me see reality which sometimes is different than what I see in the mirror.

To see my transition photos in one spot visit the Going Gray Looking Great website.


That's just an eye catching date, isn't it? Pretty cool. For some reason this week I started thinking about where I've been the last 53 years and who I've lived with. Here are some mildly interesting facts about my life here on earth, so far anyway.

I lived in the state of Idaho for 18 years, then moved to Utah for college and then stayed for 13 years. From Utah I remarried and moved to Washington state. I have been here for 22 years.

So that means I lived with my Mom and Dad for 18 years. I actually went away to college just weeks before my 18th birthday. I did come home maybe one summer, then moved home briefly after college for about 8 months, then went back to Utah and one time in my first marriage we briefly moved in with my parents in Idaho. (I don't count those speed bumps of my life as part of my years in Idaho.)

Since I have lived in Washington state for 22 years, that means I have lived with my husband for 22 years, which is longer than I lived with my parents. However, my daughter only lived with Wally and me for 10 years, before heading off to college and not really ever living home again after that. My son has lived with Wally and I for 20 of those 22 years. (And he is still here!)

If you think about how many years you actually lived with your siblings, one can understand the necessity of constantly nurturing those relationships as adults. My oldest sister was 10 years old when I was born, which means I was only 8 years old when she went away to college.

Life is fascinating. Relationships are fascinating. Enjoy the journey!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Heart Hula Hoops

Last Saturday I am sitting on the plane in my aisle seat as the other passengers are boarding. The people lined up down the airplane aisle had come to a standstill. A young woman probably in her early 20's was standing right next to me carrying two small brightly colored rings. They looked too small to be hula hoops.

But I asked her anyway. Turns out she custom made her hula hoop so that she could take it apart and transport it in two smaller sections because she takes it everywhere with her. And when I asked her if it was weighted, she said it was not because she uses hers to do tricks.

I truly admire people like her.

Check out this guy.
I guess I better dust off the old hoop and get practicing!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sweet Rewards

One small step for Trudy, one giant step for the kitchen drawers.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hair Update

First of all let me say I didn't actually color my hair red when I was coloring. It was
Chocolate Caramel (Garnier 535), who could resist a name like that? This is what it now looks like at 12 weeks since I last colored.

I've had it cut twice in the last 12 weeks. This picture is outdoors in the sun. I think the shot from above shows the roots better. It's quite a process getting the dye to grow out. I just thought dye faded and my hair returned to whatever it's natural color was.

But that's not the case, the dye transitions through it's own color cycle as the length grows. Then you cut, then you grow some more, then you trim again.

Stay tuned!

P.S. Forgot to add this link to the Going Gray Looking Great website. If you scroll down you'll see me in the fall semester 1 newbies class with my fellow soon-to-be silver sisters!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pictures from Lake Crescent

September Morn

September Morn always reminds me of the Neil Diamond song September Morn and when I was a teenager my Mother told me about a painting of a nude woman that was called September Morn. I like the story about the painting, and the fact it took him three summers to paint it, (some of my projects take me that long to finish).

I was born 16 minutes after midnight on Sunday, September 1st. My Mother had celebrated her birthday just the day before. She told me that the doctor said if he had known that maybe he could have worked it so I was born on her birthday and she always told me she was glad I had my own day.

I took most of this week off on vacation, seemed like a good week to take some time off. Wally and I drove over to Port Angeles on Sunday, stopping at Poulsbo for a few hours and then spending two nights at Lake Crescent.

It was beautiful over there and nice to just get away. On Monday we were able to go to Sol Duc Hot Springs. I loved it there and hope to go back next year.

The day we planned to go to Hurricane Ridge we woke up to rain and shortly after we left Lake Crescent we received word that Wally's sister Carmen had passed away the night before.

She was just diagnosed 2 1/2 months ago with stage 4 cancer throughout her body. She was 56 years old. She was at the hospital and died in her sleep. We will be going to her funeral on Saturday and spending some time with the family.

We got home Tuesday afternoon.

Here is how I spent my birthday on Wednesday:
  • Slept in till 7:45 (neighbors dog starts barking about 7 am, most days I'm up by then so it doesn't bother me)
  • Had oatmeal and toast for breakfast with Wally
  • Went to Gene Juarez in Bellevue for a massage (gift card I received for Mother's Day)
  • Then went to Boehm's candies in Issaquah, didn't find the candy I was looking for that I found at Boehm's in Poulsbo, but bought the best malted milk balls I've ever had and some Hawaiian sea salt caramels
  • Then grabbed a quick bite and went home
  • Did a little sewing (see note above about projects taking me 3 years to finish)
  • Talked with my daughter on the phone
  • Had dinner at The Olive Garden with my husband and son
  • Came home and had pie and ice cream
  • Had so many birthday wishes on Facebook and electronic greeting cards, it was fun!
It was a lovely day.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Seattle Summer

Lillie loved the flowers.
Lillie took this very cool shot of the EMP and Space Needle.

This week I had a visit from my niece and got to play tourist. I'm embarrassed to say I hadn't been to Pike Place all summer. We had so much fun. We did a lot of walking and rode the monorail to the Seattle Center.
The weather was perfect, the market was crowded, flowers were beautiful. We had a fun time.
Friday night we went to dinner at Mama Stortinis at Kent Station. Lillie flew home to California Saturday morning.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hair Update

What a boring title for this post! However, I need to mark that it's been 8 weeks since my hair was last colored. I also went and got a much shorter cut. I'm happy with the cut, it's fun having it short and it cleaned the ends up quite a bit.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my Father's Birthday. He was born 96 years ago today.

Here is a post I wrote two years ago: Remembering Dad
This is a picture of my 73 year old Father walking me down the aisle in 1988.


There is a lot of freedom when you hit the delete button. It is like setting something free, letting go. Today I deleted an email from April 2008. It was from a very close, dear friend of mine, who in a time of crisis felt alone, bitter and angry toward some of those people close to her.

It was the type of email one would write when you are so angry at a situation that you want to punch the wall. So instead you sit down and you write. Years ago, it would have been a hand written letter and once written, you would feel better and you would tear up that letter or burn that letter and move on.

Well that didn't happen, instead the email was sent. It was read out loud to my husband and summarized to a few other family members. Tears were shed for many months after. It was a breakup. A friendship breakup after 30 years. And it involved more than just two people, it involved families.

I have kept the email in my saved folder (why do we do that? I don't know) and during the first year I occasionally reread it to remind me why my friend no longer wanted to speak to me. Eventually I was able to laugh and joke about it. But was that just my defense mechanism, a way to avoid the pain? The hurt of the breakup remained.

People come in and out of our lives, they leave an imprint on our souls. And when they are gone that imprint remains, as does all the many memories, so much time shared together. The delete button doesn't remove any of that and I wouldn't want it to.

Our individual actions impact the lives of those around us in so many different ways and most of the time we have no idea how big that impact can be. Our daily decisions have the ability to alter our future.

Yes, I do believe life would be sweet if we could control how other people act, think and react. But it shouldn't really be a shock to discover that we don't have that kind of control. And really I don't think that's what we want.

So 2 years and 4 months later, I am hitting the delete button. I am turning the page. Will these tears I have now as I type this post be the last tears I shed over this situation? No, I'm sure they won't be.

But for now I will relish in the simple act of hitting the delete button.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy 30th on the 30th Natalie!

Journal entry August 30, 1980 (with updated commentary - yes it took me one month to write in my journal):

"Natalie was born Wednesday morning, July 30, 1980 at 3:26 a.m. 7 lbs. 5 ozs. 21 inches long. On Monday the 28th I had a doctor's appt. in the afternoon. I went & he checked me - I was dilated to 3. He said that the baby was coming real soon, and he wanted to check me at 6:00 that evening. I went back to work (I was working at Castleton's in the ZCMI center) & everyone was real excited. We went at 6:00 and nothing had changed. Monday night nothing happened. Tuesday I didn't go to work, I did laundry & some other errands (laundry was an errand because I had to go to the laundromat). That night it rained a little. Sam & I walked to 7-11 and then we walked around the block (our next door neighbor suggested we walk to move things along). We came home & I was getting ready to go to bed and my water broke (luckily I was in the bathroom at the time). We called Dr. Rasmussen and we were at the hospital (LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City) before midnight. They checked me in at the hospital & hooked me up in a labor room. Sam was with me through it all. I was in labor for about 3 hours. It was a really neat experience to see the baby born. Quite a miracle! The hospital was really nice. I could have the baby with me anytime. I came home on Friday morning."
And that day my life was changed forever.
Happy 30th Birthday Natalie!
Love you lots, Mom

Forever Young
May the good Lord be with you
Down every road that you roam
And may sunshine and happiness
Surround you when you're far from home
And may you grow to be proud, dignified and true
And do unto others as you'd have done to you
Be courageous and be brave
And in my heart you'll always stay
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
May good fortune be with you
May your guiding light be strong
Build a stairway to Heaven
With a prince or a vagabond
And may you never love in vain
And in my heart you will remain
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young, yeah
And when you finally fly away
I'll be hoping that I served you well
For all the wisdom of a lifetime
No one can ever tell
But whatever road you choose
I'm right behind you, win or lose
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
For, forever young, forever young

Happy 30th Birthday to My Daughter Natalie

Life is Good!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hair Update

It's now been just over 6 weeks and this is where I'm at with my hair.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Does She or Doesn't She?

Well she doesn't anymore. After more than a year of pondering to continue coloring my hair (every 4 weeks) or to go au naturel, I am going natural.

I found this amazing website and I love looking at the photos of the women as they grow out their hair and the bad part eventually gets cut off/grown out and replaced by whatever their natural color may be.

It's almost like waiting for Christmas morning to find out just how gray, white or silver my hair might be. I'm guessing at my current length (which will likely get shorter) it will probably take me about 8 months to grow out the color.

I'm 5 weeks into the transition and am sporting an awesome skunk stripe and I'm thinking in the near future hat's will become my new best friend.

In the meantime I apologize for staring but I'm now obsessed with seeing how many women have let their hair go natural. It's kind of like when you are pregnant, you just keep seeing pregnant women everywhere you go.

And to my sisters - keep on rocking your gray/white/salt'n pepper hair!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday Satisfaction

I'm reporting back to let you know my Saturday has been going really good.

Here's my list I put together on Friday night. It's not in any particular order (except for the first item)

  • Sleep in - spent one week on vacation waking up at 9 a.m. then back to getting up at 5:45 a.m., on Saturday I'll find a compromise. - woke at 8:00 a.m.
  • Deep clean the bathroom - need I repeat that I've been gone the last two weekends? - it's sparkly and smells good
  • Vacuum - ditto the above
  • Sew - working on a lap quilt, table runner and some other items, plus a backlog of quilt tops that need finished, not to mention just yesterday I ordered some Christmas fabric. - still have the rest of the weekend
  • Saturday market - this one is dependant on somewhat decent weather, looking to see what local produce is out there. - so much fun, glad to see so many people there. Saw a black poodle in a dress and a 12 year old boy playing his clarinet with a basket for money! And the funniest thing happened. I was sitting on a bench munching on peas. Wally was waiting for the bathroom. On the side of the building was two garden hoses. Well Wally perfectly stepped on one of them that was laying on the handle and a big shot of water sprayed straight up in the air, we think it missed the guy sitting on the other bench.

My 5.00 flowers

  • Maybe Carpinito Brothers, depends on what I find at Saturday market. - Washington berries from Carpinitos!

  • Petco for a new dog bed. Did you know they make orthopedic beds for older dogs? - 10.00 less at Wal-mart and she approves.

This is Missy, she is 11 years old.

  • Walk James Hill, it's been a very long time. - the hill is still there and if you don't do it very often the uphill climb totally kills your calves, 45 min round trip.
  • Buy a few See's Chocolates and savor them (have a gift card from Mother's Day that isn't used up yet). - yuummm! (still have 2.00 left on my gift card)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Saturday Intentions on a Friday Night

Friday night means two things at my house, 1) husband will be watching Friday Night Smackdown and 2) I'll be on the computer.
I was out of town the last two Saturdays so I have quite a few things I'm hoping to accomplish tomorrow.

Here's my list in no particular order (except for the first item)
  • Sleep in - spent one week on vacation waking up at 9 a.m. then back to getting up at 5:45 a.m., on Saturday I'll find a compromise.
  • Deep clean the bathroom - need I repeat that I've been gone the last two weekends?
  • Vacuum - ditto the above.
  • Sew - working on a lap quilt, table runner and some other items, plus a backlog of quilt tops that need finished, not to mention just yesterday I ordered some Christmas fabric.
  • Saturday market - this one is dependant on somewhat decent weather, looking to see what local produce is out there.
  • Maybe Carpinito Brothers, depends on what I find at Saturday market.
  • Petco for a new dog bed. Did you know they make orthopedic beds for older dogs?
  • Walk James Hill, it's been a very long time.
  • Buy a few See's Chocolates and savor them (have a gift card from Mother's Day that isn't used up yet).

Missing from the list is laundry and grocery shopping. Both were just done on Tuesday. Not much laundry so no big deal and groceries can wait until Monday.

Monday - ahhh, a holiday. That means anything I don't get done on Saturday I still have Monday. Did I mention I'm in the top 10 of the master list of procrastinators? There's something that I do well.

Here's a beautiful photo for your enjoyment of my favorite vacation spot. Henry's Lake in Island Park, Idaho.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Stalker

I just want to say that sometimes this little guy is just too close for comfort. Yes, I am guilty of feeding him seeds and peanuts, perhaps it's love.
He actually hears me unlocking the front door and runs to the step. I have to open the door a tiny bit to peek out and make sure I can step outside without any critters getting inside.
But it makes the day interesting.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Are We There Yet?

I've started to notice this week as I am working full time and also getting prepared to go away on vacation, that lists and piles are popping up around the house. It just caught me this morning as being kind of funny.

There is the grocery list of what to buy before we leave home, and another grocery list of what to buy when we are closer to our destination so the head of lettuce may avoid spending 14 hours in the back of the truck. I know it will thank me later for that.

There is the pile of sewing supplies, the pile of things to give to my sister to take to my daughter, and one odd sized item that will be wrapped in Christmas paper (I'm sure it will get wrapped any day now) and delivered early to avoid trying to mail it.

Then there is the pile of canned goods and baking supplies and the photocopies of recipes. I know that after taking the same recipes to the cabin every year, they are probably still there, but what if they aren't? Do I really want to chance it trying to make cornflake coconut macaroons from memory? I think not.

Then there are the shoes that are not piled up yet. I was hoping my old shoes could last just this one more week, but alas, the hole in the little toe expanded. Just maybe I'll still wear them anyway.

And then the pile with the camera, the camera battery charger, the cell phone charger, headset and do I or do I not want to take my iPod? I'm thinking not. It's the great outdoors after all and I don't want to be walking on the dirt road wearing my iPod and not hear the cows or moose sneaking up behind me.

I thank my Dad for the list making gene that I inherited from him. I push my limit by trying to keep some lists in my head, but it's that little lined note pad that will save you every time.

Happy Summer Vacationing to All - I will note it's still raining in Seattle.

But we'll be soon calling it summer anyway.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Letter to My 20-Something Self

I found this blog today and loved reading the letters to "My 20-Something Self". What a great idea. It really makes you stop and do some thinking. I need to preface my letter by saying that I hit my 20s in the late '70s.

Dear 20-year old Tr,

First of all, have a sense of humor when Gail tells you what Tr, the nickname her older brother gave you when you were in Jr. High, stands for. Enjoy the disco music, the clothes, the shoes, the people, for believe it or not, it won't last forever. Someday you might even wish you had kept a pair of those shoes, or those black satin pants you wear dancing.

I'm sorry about Elvis. I know it was difficult when you realized you would never marry him when you grew up and now he's gone. But his music and his movies will live on forever.

Those work out clothes you wear to aerobics, don't wear them in public. And be patient cause they really are just a fad and they will get better. And keep exercising, always. It's important, trust me on this one.

Take time to talk with Mom and Dad and learn things about them when they were growing up. There will come a time when you will really, really want to talk to them and they just aren't there anymore.

Stay close to your siblings, know what is going on with them. Be a good friend. Don't be so self-absorbed. Expand your life. Be open to new opportunities even if they scare you.

Find your own style, stand up for the things you believe in. When you have babies, don't regret all the things you are unable to do at that time, but instead enjoy each moment with them, for they grow up so quickly.

Remember we go through "seasons" in our lives and in each season you will discover new things about yourself and you will find time to do the things that matter most to you.

I know right now you feel like your future is uncertain and at times you feel young and irresponsible, but you will find your footing and you will find your place. Things might not turn out exactly how you expect them to, but just go with it. You'll come out alright.

Just like Mom and Dad are always telling you, "I just want you to be happy". Find what makes you happy.


Monday, May 31, 2010

The Results Are In

I have successfully completed six weeks of going to the gym five days a week. The loss isn't great, but I'll take it, because it's so much more than just numbers. And I will continue going five days a week for as long as my work schedule permits it.

The routine:
Mon/Wed/Fri - warm up either on the treadmill or elliptical for about 1 mile / 14-15 minutes, then weight machines, started with 6 machines now doing 9 each time. Then floor work, plank, crunches, push ups and stretches. Worked out once with a trainer in the six weeks.

Tue/Thur - minimum 2 miles on the treadmill, depending on how much time I have, then floor work, same as the other days.

When I have an extra 5 or 10 minutes, I'll slip into the sauna. I love the sauna, that is my meditation time.

The results:
30 work outs (1 was outdoor walking but I quickly realized I wouldn't be able to continue that with our crazy weather)
About 1,000 crunches on the ball
About 180 push ups (girly knee push ups, went from being able to do about 4 to now doing 2 sets of 10)
About 40 miles (treadmill/elliptical)
Lots of weight lifted

Pounds lost: 6.6
Inches lost: 4.5

Here is a recap of the six weeks:
Week 1: waking up one hour earlier than normal, really hard to get out of bed in the morning. Very tired at night. Tried to go to bed 30 minutes early. Feeling the muscles, especially the calves. Feel weird after work thinking I should be going to the gym, but then remembering I already went.

Week 2: still tough to get out of bed, thoughts of skipping a day, but knowing one skipped day leads to 2, so I did not skip. Still feeling the muscles.

Week 3: not so tired in the evenings, more energy, feeling better around the middle. They say if you do something for 3 weeks, it then becomes a habit. (or was that 4 weeks? either way it's now a habit.)

Week 4: love going into the sauna in my work out clothes, started taking a book to read on the treadmill, seeing the same morning group of exercisers. Looking forward to going every day, some times get to bed early.

Week 5: in a routine, don't want to skip it, wish I could spend more time at the gym, but have to get home to work.

Week 6: loving it still, occasionally take my bathing suit for the hot tub, steam room and sauna, that's a treat.

Here is my personal opinion of sauna room etiquette: please don't talk on your cell phone and keep the volume of your iPod to yourself. And Please don't whistle, sing or beat your chest to your music! I can handle the guy on the floor doing stretches and sit ups, but that's pushing it.

Advice if you are thinking about starting an exercise program, just jump right in and DO IT!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Seattle in May

Such a beautiful day we had today, especially after the days of wind and rain. Here are some pictures from the Seattle Temple grounds in Bellevue.

I've always thought Seattle area was really pretty in May.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sock Drawer Saga

The eBay auction for the contents of my sock drawer just ended. I had it open for only 5 days and had 72 views and 2 people bidding. I started the bidding at 2.50. The winning bidder bid 5.00 at the end of the auction.

I will be shipping the socks to a person in Pennsylvania. Hope they enjoy them!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Family, Food and A Whole Lot of Fun (Part 3)

Part 3, really? Isn't she over that trip yet? Just entertain me while I finish telling of my last night and last day in Salt Lake City.

So Sunday night after dinner, we (being Scott, Natalie and I) played Rock Band. Now I've played Guitar Hero and American Idol before but never Rock Band. I don't know how long we played, but it was a long time.

I was like, okay, one more song, just one more song, now I want to sing, can I play the drums again, okay, I'll try the guitar, can I sing again? May I say Natalie and Scott were very patient with the newbie, (either that or they were secretly video taping my musical inabilities)!

Well after Rock Band they showed me Wii resort, looks like that could be a lot of fun - that is after you practice with no one watching for about 2 weeks!

Sunday night I successfully got all my extra Kohl's shopping into my suitcase and bags. Monday was my last sleep in morning.

Natalie, Scott and I had breakfast in West Jordan at Red Rooster Waffle Company. I had seen chicken and waffles on television so I was excited to try them. They were absolutely delicious. The chicken has an amazing seasoning on it and one little bone in the piece. The waffle comes with orange butter and maple syrup. Put that all together and you've got some really good food.

Side of potatoes.

No problem finishing the food. Natalie had a 2 for 1 coupon, so for the three of us we ordered two originals plus a side of potatoes, total bill - just under 13.00.

After breakfast we took Scott home. I don't think I can remember all the places Natalie and I went to in a few hours. I know we went to the new Kohl's at Brickyard. I used to work at Ernst in the Brickyard behind Harmons and I remember when the shops were built, when Mervyn's was there.

We visited my friend Gloria and her husband and were entertained by her two grand-daughters in their little dress up tutu's, they were very cute.

On Monday we visited a new quilt shop, Sonic drive-in for limeades and a store that sells bundt cakes. At Nothing Bundt Cakes I had a sample of a turtle cake and we bought a small marble bundt cake to take home. They are incredibly moist and have cream cheese icing on them. We took it home and shared it with Scott, delicious.

Natalie and I spent some time playing with her sewing machine. She sewed fabric onto kitchen towels, very cute.

Then it was off to the airport. My plane was delayed by 40 minutes. That gave me plenty of time for TCBY frozen yogurt and a bowl of soup from Quiznos. I was home by about 8:30 that night.

It was a wonderful trip to Utah. Next year I'll try my best to visit more of my friends that live there. And one of these years I'll make it to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point

July Already and Only My 2nd Post this Year!

I have to say this year, 2023 has been a huge year of firsts for me. In January I went on my very first cruise. My friend Chris and I flew t...