Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Are We There Yet?

I've started to notice this week as I am working full time and also getting prepared to go away on vacation, that lists and piles are popping up around the house. It just caught me this morning as being kind of funny.

There is the grocery list of what to buy before we leave home, and another grocery list of what to buy when we are closer to our destination so the head of lettuce may avoid spending 14 hours in the back of the truck. I know it will thank me later for that.

There is the pile of sewing supplies, the pile of things to give to my sister to take to my daughter, and one odd sized item that will be wrapped in Christmas paper (I'm sure it will get wrapped any day now) and delivered early to avoid trying to mail it.

Then there is the pile of canned goods and baking supplies and the photocopies of recipes. I know that after taking the same recipes to the cabin every year, they are probably still there, but what if they aren't? Do I really want to chance it trying to make cornflake coconut macaroons from memory? I think not.

Then there are the shoes that are not piled up yet. I was hoping my old shoes could last just this one more week, but alas, the hole in the little toe expanded. Just maybe I'll still wear them anyway.

And then the pile with the camera, the camera battery charger, the cell phone charger, headset and do I or do I not want to take my iPod? I'm thinking not. It's the great outdoors after all and I don't want to be walking on the dirt road wearing my iPod and not hear the cows or moose sneaking up behind me.

I thank my Dad for the list making gene that I inherited from him. I push my limit by trying to keep some lists in my head, but it's that little lined note pad that will save you every time.

Happy Summer Vacationing to All - I will note it's still raining in Seattle.

But we'll be soon calling it summer anyway.


Rachael said...

That is so funny. I feel like that too right now. More with tasks (paint this, wash that, clean the tub, don't forget that). Oh, nesting!

Natalie said...

I have that gene too. Lists everywhere and sometimes I write the same list in different places. Right now I have my meal planner and grocery list next to my green tea. Have a fun trip!

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