Yesterday when I went to work out at Curves, the computer told me I was on my 300th workout. Hurray! That's very exciting. I joined Curves two years ago. My goal was to go three times a week. The first two months I had to make an effort to keep that commitment. Once it became a part of my routine and I saw the benefits, I kept it up.
Sure there are weeks for various reasons I don't make the three times, but I try. I realize now that exercise is not just a passing hobby but a necessary part of my life. I love going to Curves, I love the work-out and the friends I have met there.
Sure there are less expensive clubs that offer more amenities, but I have found something that works for me. It's 1 1/2 miles from my house, and I can leave home and be back in under one hour. In the summertime I have ridden my bike there.
Other good habits I have developed are to eat more fruit. I eat an apple every morning before breakfast. And I snack on fruit during the day.
When the weather gets better I hope to do more walking outdoors.
If you have something you want to do consistently, you have to make it a priority and concentrate on it until it becomes ingrained in your life. Then it becomes second nature.
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