Thursday, January 6, 2011


I read a blog the other day and she spoke of a focus word for the year. I liked that idea and took some time to think about it and came up with my focus word for 2011.


The dictionary defines imagine as:
transitive verb
1: to form a mental image of (something not present)
2: archaic: plan, scheme
3: suppose/guess; (I imagine it will rain)
4: to form a notion of without sufficient basis

intransitive verb
1: to use the imagination
2: believe

Synonyms: conceit/conceive/conjure+(up)/dream/envisage/envision/fancy/fantasize/fantasy/feature/ideate/image/picture/see/vision/visualize

I see the word in the context of forming a mental image. Creating something in my mind first, and then creating it in the world.

And in believing. If you can imagine something, then you can believe it.

I imagine this year will be a wonderful year, full of many imaginings and happenings.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

That's really neat!

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