Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Plastic Addiction (con't)

I was only joking about being addicted to plastic. But it's not a joke anymore. I caught myself in the grocery store last week admiring the plastic containers with matching lids for sale on the end aisles, and the plastic Popsicle makers hanging in the cereal aisle. So I stepped away from the plastic.

And then today, today I get an email from Tupperware. Who knew I had signed up long ago to be on a mailing list? And I did it, I clicked the link. I went to the ultimate world of plastic. And I was enticed by this Insulated Tumbler with Drip-Less™ Straw Seal. Isn't that cute? And it's on sale.

But that wasn't all, on the same sale page was the Spring One Touch® Canisters set. Have you ever seen anything so cute? You could buy two sets, keep one and then separate the other set and give them out as gifts filled with Valentine's candy. Oh my. I want them. Or is it just the candy in the photo I'm desiring?

Just when I thought it was safe I came across these. Spring Tumblers. (I missed the fall and winter tumblers.) How adorable are these? Tupperware you are killing me! Liquid tight seals even. But alas, they are not on sale.

Did I or didn't I? Buy that is. The answer is no. Not today. Not yet anyway. The night is still young.

If you really want to take a peek, here is the Tupperware website. Whatever you do, DO NOT go look in the SERVE category. Purple plates, I tell you they have purple plates. And the hourglass salt and pepper shakers, yes you do remember those. I need those.

No more plastic, no more cupboard space, but it's so pretty and I can take it to the office, no more plastic, no more cupboard space.

Picture Taking Practice

I am taking on a new hobby - photography. I've always had it as a hobby but now I'm taking it to the next level. I just purchased a new Nikon Digital SLR camera.

I'm very excited to be learning about something new. To keep my brain working, thinking, being creative. My focus word for 2011 is imagine - so what better way to stretch my imagination than behind the lens of a camera?

The instruction manual offers plenty of reading; I took it to the gym this morning and started reading it on the treadmill. This afternoon I had time to turn on my camera for the first time and take it for a walk in my neighborhood.

A January day in Kent, rainless for the day, and still green. See my photos here.

A few things I'm excited about are playing with the remote control and learning the manual settings.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hi, My Name is Trudy and I'm an Addict!

Addicted to plastics evidently. This is my attempt to clean out a very large cupboard full of Tupperware, Gladware and Rubbermaid. It took me two days and I have 2 large kitchen garbage bags ready for the thrift store tomorrow. I really need to stop watching Enough Already with Peter Walsh on OWN.

Every time I'm watching one of his episodes, my mind is churning to what my next declutter project will be.

When you see yellow Tupperware, you know it's old. That square angel food cake pan was a great find recently at a thrift store. I guess what goes around comes around as they say. I kept it.
Lids, everywhere. How do you keep your containers and lids matched up and stored? There must be some secret to it. I kept some in the drawer, the ones I use frequently and the other lids are stored in the cupboard in a plastic shoe bin (that I actually discovered in the cupboard).
Old yellow again, and to tell you the truth - I kept both of them.

I kept enough, I have space for it. And everything I kept has a lid. There were some items I had planned to keep but after I washed them and then realized I hadn't used them in years - they're going.

Today my project was handbags and belts. I didn't have too many handbags and I'm only getting rid of one of them. I'm not a big fan of purses, so I seldom buy them and I reuse them till they wear out.

A bad habit I have is to change purses and not fully clean out the old purse. So today I was thrilled to find a great purse in my closet and had fun looking through the "memory" papers from 2001 that were in the bag.
On to belts. For some reason in the 70s and 80s I wore belts with everything. Back then almost every single pair of pants you bought came with it's own belt. All these years I thought I had great treasures of cool, old belts in my closet.
Well today I discovered I had simply, old worn out belts, that do not fit and even if they did I would never wear them! So there is another bag for the thrift store.

Confession - I kept three of the old belts. The ones that are very wide and mostly elastic, they'll be back in style some day.

Morale of the story: simplify, live with less, it feels so good.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I read a blog the other day and she spoke of a focus word for the year. I liked that idea and took some time to think about it and came up with my focus word for 2011.


The dictionary defines imagine as:
transitive verb
1: to form a mental image of (something not present)
2: archaic: plan, scheme
3: suppose/guess; (I imagine it will rain)
4: to form a notion of without sufficient basis

intransitive verb
1: to use the imagination
2: believe

Synonyms: conceit/conceive/conjure+(up)/dream/envisage/envision/fancy/fantasize/fantasy/feature/ideate/image/picture/see/vision/visualize

I see the word in the context of forming a mental image. Creating something in my mind first, and then creating it in the world.

And in believing. If you can imagine something, then you can believe it.

I imagine this year will be a wonderful year, full of many imaginings and happenings.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Of course I have to post on this day. And as I write it's 11:11 on 1-1-11!
What a cool date.

Happy New Year to all.

I did manage to stay up until 12:30 a.m. to welcome in the New Year.

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