Friday, March 9, 2012

Sweets Surrendered

Before - my desk drawer

After - sealed (temporarily)
Hi, my name is Trudy and I love sugar (and Easter candy - big time). I've had a few weeks where my healthy eating just went right out the front door. In order to unlock the front door and invite my healthy eating habits to return I have put away my treats for a few days.

You're heard the expression, "she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth"? Well I think my expression is "I was born with a spoonful of sugar in my mouth".

Periodically I will give up candy, cookies, pastries, donuts (oh, now I'm getting hungry so I'll stop the list) for a few days to get my body back into wanting fruits and vegetables. After a few days then I can successfully have one piece of candy instead of 35.

That Milky Way Simply Caramel Bunny is delicious. I ate one a day or two ago. I digress. Anyway, this evening we are having stuffed cabbage rolls with spinach salad.

Tomorrow is day 2, I shall have my husband hide the scissors so the candy bag remains sealed. In reality what will happen is that I will forget all about the candy and 5 weeks from now when I'm looking in the cupboards for something I'll find the bag.

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