Thursday, August 7, 2008

Remembering Dad

Today would have been my Father's 94th Birthday. I woke up this morning thinking about him. He was born in 1914 and passed away 10 years ago, right before Father's Day, and two months before his 84th birthday.

Dad was 43 years old when I was born and I was only 40 years old when he passed away. Just think, he had lived half his life before I was even born.

He had 20 wonderful years of retirement with Mom. They traveled in their motor home, served two church missions, and enjoyed many summers at the cabin where they welcomed grandkids, friends and even a few strangers.

Dad loved to sing with the Barbershop Chorus, cooked great sourdough bread and of course loved cooking in his dutch ovens. He was a constant inventor. Always figuring out how to make some clever thing.

He taught me that I could do anything. Just two months before he died I was able to tell him I was going back to college to finish my degree and he was delighted.

Growing up in Boise Dad used to invite me to the auction with him on Saturdays. Of course he had gone down much earlier in the morning to see what he wanted to buy and estimated what time the bidding would be in that area. Then I would go back with him and get to watch the bidding. I'm not sure he needed all that stuff but he had a great time.

Dad was the oldest in his family and in retirement enjoyed many visits and trips with his brothers and sisters and their spouses. He loved being around people.

He was an example to me of how a life should be led. I'm proud to be his daughter. Happy Birthday Dad, I love you!


Grandma Faith said...

It was sweet to read your memories of your father. I am blessed to still have both of my parents.
Thank you for visiting my blog. It's good to have another Curves girl blogging along. God Bless You and yours.

Russell said...

Thanks for sharing memories of your dad. Those thoughts caused me to reflect on some wonderful experiences shared with your father and also his brother my dad, THANKS!

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