Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

The other morning I did something I seldom do, I burnt the toast. It wasn't too bad so I went ahead and scraped the black off into the garbage can. As I was doing that, I wondered if my Mother, who burnt the toast so often as I was growing up, had any idea that I would think of her when I burnt toast. I used to go to high school in the morning and the guy that sat behind me would say, "your Mom burnt the toast again." He could smell it in my hair.

I view my burnt toast incident as my Mother's way of letting me know she is always with me, even though she's been gone for four years.

The other thing she always did was hand wash my dishes whenever she came to town for a visit. I can't tell you how often I stand at the kitchen sink, washing dishes and remembering my mother.

Here is a picture of a pale yellow lilac bush that was given to me by my stepdaughters when my Mother passed away in 2004. My husband and I have lightly nicknamed the plant Lc, after my Mother. We talk about covering Lc from the frost and how is Lc doing.

This year Lc is full of fragrant blooms in time for Mother's Day. Mom - I love you, thanks for the memories!

1 comment:

Terri said...

Trudy...what a wonderful time I had reading the little glimpses of your write so well. I look forward to your next installment and to seeing you at the cabin next month. Terri

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