Saturday, January 21, 2012

In the Event of an Emergency

 These pictures pretty much sum up the week we just experienced. What can I say, the snow started on Sunday. On Monday I worked from home and we went to a Doctor's appointment in the afternoon. It snowed some more, I worked from home again on Tuesday and Wednesday. It snowed some more I worked from home on Thursday until we lost power. Then we sat around in front of the fireplace listening to the radio, talking, reading and eating tuna sandwiches.

Then the power came back on about 5:30. And then it snowed again and the freezing rain and wind came. The tree branches cracked and broke under the weight of the ice. On Friday night it rained and today it's in the low 40s. I went out and ran errands. It was nice to be in the car and to drive about. I saw a lot of the damage from the ice and wind.

There are a few things I learned about my emergency preparedness skills, I need to have more batteries on hand. And I need one of those battery operated chargers for my cell phone. We have lots of fire wood, blankets, candles and food. We were quite comfortable. But you really appreciate having electricity. It makes the cold more bearable.

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