Friday, September 3, 2010

Hair Update

First of all let me say I didn't actually color my hair red when I was coloring. It was
Chocolate Caramel (Garnier 535), who could resist a name like that? This is what it now looks like at 12 weeks since I last colored.

I've had it cut twice in the last 12 weeks. This picture is outdoors in the sun. I think the shot from above shows the roots better. It's quite a process getting the dye to grow out. I just thought dye faded and my hair returned to whatever it's natural color was.

But that's not the case, the dye transitions through it's own color cycle as the length grows. Then you cut, then you grow some more, then you trim again.

Stay tuned!

P.S. Forgot to add this link to the Going Gray Looking Great website. If you scroll down you'll see me in the fall semester 1 newbies class with my fellow soon-to-be silver sisters!


Kathy said...

Nice progress!

Rachael said...

Goin' strong, good job!!!

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