Monday, February 15, 2010

A Saucy Tale

True story.

It begins on Saturday afternoon. I bring home pear sauce from the grocery store, not apple sauce but pear sauce. I say to the husband, "look at this, they have pear sauce, I'll put it in this cupboard over here so you won't mix it up with the applesauce."

Keep in mind these are those little cup size plastic containers. We always have applesauce cups in the cupboard and the pear sauce looks a lot like the applesauce.

He says, "You don't need to put them over there, just put them with the applesauce, I can tell the difference." (Note: husband has vision problems, can't read small writing on cups.)

I say, "No I'll put them over here." And I do, mainly because I know what would happen if I mixed them with the applesauce.

Forward to Sunday afternoon. I come home from church and the husband says to me, "this pear sauce doesn't taste like the applesauce at all. It's very different."

(Pause for a moment as I think to myself, yes it should taste different.)

I say, "well it would taste different, it's pear not apple." And he insists it tastes very different from applesauce and not much like pears.

So then I ask the magic question, "which cupboard did you get it from?"

As he showed me which cupboard it came from - the answer was the cupboard that contained only the applesauce. So at this point the pear sauce has not been tasted and the applesauce doesn't taste like applesauce!

What's a wife to do?

So I once again, very patiently explain that the pear sauce is over here in this other cupboard and yes, you really did eat applesauce, thus it would not taste like pears, however it should have tasted like applesauce.

To solve the mystery, I checked the applesauce label to discover that the last applesauce I bought was the one with cinnamon in it. Okay, so I can go with that and understand why the applesauce did not taste "like it normally would". But it was still applesauce!


Rachael said...

That is so funny. Oh husbands!!

Goldie said...

That's a good funny story :)

Trudy G. said...

I have to say that he has since tasted the real pear sauce and really likes it.

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