Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Moving Sidewalk

Five weeks ago tomorrow, Wally passed away peacefully in the hospital. It's probably redundant for me to say he had a really rough year. In June he ended up in the hospital in Coeur d'Alene on the way home from the cabin. 

Little did we know this would be his last trip to the cabin. We weren't even sure we were going to go, but we thought we'd test out a road trip. He needed a change of scenery. I would like to think he enjoyed our time spent together on the road trip and the week at the cabin.

From the end of June to now, things are kind of a blur. So much happened in such a short amount of time. I feel like I'm on a moving sidewalk. No matter what happens to me, around me, to others around me, the sidewalk just keeps moving and I have no choice but to continue to move along also. 

And that's what I'm doing. I was reminded that although my husband has moved on from this mortal existence, my life goes on. Like the moving sidewalk. It's just very different now. I'm still feeling things out, finding my routine, I'm not back to my normal activities just yet but I'm working on it.

As I've been pondering things I've had these thoughts; I had my Dad for 40 years, my Mom for 46 years, my sister for 63 years and my sweet Wally for 34 years. 

We do not know how long someone will be in our life. Choose the kind words, practice patience, say I love you, listen, slow down, take time.

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