Thursday, January 21, 2016


4 :  an act of will
5 a :  a thing done :  deed
b  :  the accomplishment of a thing usually over a period of time, in stages, or with the possibility of repetition
c plural :  behavior, conduct actions>
d :  initiative, enterprise action>

You know how some people like to have a catch word for the new year? Sometimes I do that. A couple of weeks ago I was driving in my car, pondering what my word might be. I said to myself I want an action word. And that was it. Action.

Action has different meetings but I like the ones above. An act of will, a thing done, accomplishment. I especially like the part about the accomplishment being done over a period of time.

So that's my word for 2016 - action. If it had a partner word that word would be results or outcome. I think for every action there is an outcome. Whether that outcome be good or bad, it's there.

Kind of makes you think twice before "taking action" doesn't it?

Ways I'm going to take action this year:

Accept more, complain less;
Keep looking forward, less looking backward;
Just do it, less putting it off;
Be brave, less fear;
Service, not selfishness;
Find the need and fill it;
Jump in, don't hesitate;
Make it happen;
and accept the outcome and result with a good attitude.

Action requires planning, action deserves rewards, action is movement, motion, not sitting on the sidelines.

This is the year for action. How about you?

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