Sunday, January 11, 2015

Avoiding Ground Hog's Day

Do you ever feel like this:  doing the same thing over and over again every day?

When my alarm goes off in the morning, all I can think about is, didn't I just do this exact same thing yesterday? I'll get up, maybe go to the gym, commute to the office, work, commute home, make dinner, clean the kitchen, watch a little TV and then get up the next day and do it all over again.

Don't get me wrong, I love routine. When I'm off my routine things just don't feel right. But sometimes I think I need to shake my routine up just a little bit. That's one thing I'm going to work on this year. I don't want that dreaded thought in my head that I'm just getting out of bed to repeat the same day I had yesterday.

Instead, I will great the new day for what it is. A brand new day. It's not yesterday and maybe today I can change things up a little bit. Maybe I try something different at the gym, maybe I listen to a new CD on the commute to work. Perhaps I eat my lunch in the cafeteria dining room instead of at my desk like I do most days.

Maybe when I get home from work I do something fun before I make dinner. We can eat dinner an hour later once in awhile. And when I feel frazzled by too many changes I just go back to my regular routine for awhile.

Instead of going to bed at night thinking, "I have to get up and do it all again tomorrow." I'll be telling myself, "I'm blessed to have tomorrow, to try something new, to make someone smile, to live another day." Each day should be a new day to look forward to, full of possibilities and challenges.

Time to face it head on, one step at a time and sometimes step off the paved path for the one less traveled. Be adventurous and embrace this moment in time.

For in the end I want it to be said of me, "she did not waste a single day by wishing it was a different day."

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