Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Stalker

I just want to say that sometimes this little guy is just too close for comfort. Yes, I am guilty of feeding him seeds and peanuts, perhaps it's love.
He actually hears me unlocking the front door and runs to the step. I have to open the door a tiny bit to peek out and make sure I can step outside without any critters getting inside.
But it makes the day interesting.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Are We There Yet?

I've started to notice this week as I am working full time and also getting prepared to go away on vacation, that lists and piles are popping up around the house. It just caught me this morning as being kind of funny.

There is the grocery list of what to buy before we leave home, and another grocery list of what to buy when we are closer to our destination so the head of lettuce may avoid spending 14 hours in the back of the truck. I know it will thank me later for that.

There is the pile of sewing supplies, the pile of things to give to my sister to take to my daughter, and one odd sized item that will be wrapped in Christmas paper (I'm sure it will get wrapped any day now) and delivered early to avoid trying to mail it.

Then there is the pile of canned goods and baking supplies and the photocopies of recipes. I know that after taking the same recipes to the cabin every year, they are probably still there, but what if they aren't? Do I really want to chance it trying to make cornflake coconut macaroons from memory? I think not.

Then there are the shoes that are not piled up yet. I was hoping my old shoes could last just this one more week, but alas, the hole in the little toe expanded. Just maybe I'll still wear them anyway.

And then the pile with the camera, the camera battery charger, the cell phone charger, headset and do I or do I not want to take my iPod? I'm thinking not. It's the great outdoors after all and I don't want to be walking on the dirt road wearing my iPod and not hear the cows or moose sneaking up behind me.

I thank my Dad for the list making gene that I inherited from him. I push my limit by trying to keep some lists in my head, but it's that little lined note pad that will save you every time.

Happy Summer Vacationing to All - I will note it's still raining in Seattle.

But we'll be soon calling it summer anyway.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Letter to My 20-Something Self

I found this blog today and loved reading the letters to "My 20-Something Self". What a great idea. It really makes you stop and do some thinking. I need to preface my letter by saying that I hit my 20s in the late '70s.

Dear 20-year old Tr,

First of all, have a sense of humor when Gail tells you what Tr, the nickname her older brother gave you when you were in Jr. High, stands for. Enjoy the disco music, the clothes, the shoes, the people, for believe it or not, it won't last forever. Someday you might even wish you had kept a pair of those shoes, or those black satin pants you wear dancing.

I'm sorry about Elvis. I know it was difficult when you realized you would never marry him when you grew up and now he's gone. But his music and his movies will live on forever.

Those work out clothes you wear to aerobics, don't wear them in public. And be patient cause they really are just a fad and they will get better. And keep exercising, always. It's important, trust me on this one.

Take time to talk with Mom and Dad and learn things about them when they were growing up. There will come a time when you will really, really want to talk to them and they just aren't there anymore.

Stay close to your siblings, know what is going on with them. Be a good friend. Don't be so self-absorbed. Expand your life. Be open to new opportunities even if they scare you.

Find your own style, stand up for the things you believe in. When you have babies, don't regret all the things you are unable to do at that time, but instead enjoy each moment with them, for they grow up so quickly.

Remember we go through "seasons" in our lives and in each season you will discover new things about yourself and you will find time to do the things that matter most to you.

I know right now you feel like your future is uncertain and at times you feel young and irresponsible, but you will find your footing and you will find your place. Things might not turn out exactly how you expect them to, but just go with it. You'll come out alright.

Just like Mom and Dad are always telling you, "I just want you to be happy". Find what makes you happy.


July Already and Only My 2nd Post this Year!

I have to say this year, 2023 has been a huge year of firsts for me. In January I went on my very first cruise. My friend Chris and I flew t...