Sunday, September 30, 2012

This is How I Roll

Tomorrow is October 1st. Wow, next thing you know people will start talking about Christmas. The other morning on my way to work I stopped at Walgreen's to stock up on candy for the office. The cashier asked me if I was stocking up for Halloween!

Who buys Halloween candy in September and then puts it away for 5 weeks and still has unopened bags by October 31st? Certainly not me.

I can't tell you how much candy corn I have eaten in the last three weeks. I may be cured of candy corn by now. Except it's really, really good tossed into Chex mix.

The weather is slowly shifting, it's darker way earlier in the evenings, the school buses are out in the mornings as I drive to work. You can just feel the change from summer to fall. It's a beautiful time of year.

I don't want to actually say this out loud, but lately I have kind of missed having rain. It's been a really long time since we've had any real amount of rain. I'm grateful for the beautiful fall days we are having. I know the rain will come soon enough and then I shall miss the sunshine.

I'm working on a notebook to get my life organized. I'm working on it slowly. Right now it's a small spiral notebook which I have started writing in to categorize things I want to work on, new habits I need to acquire. And just all around new attitudes about the things I'm involved in and what I want to be doing. Once I have enough drafted I'll take it to the computer and then the pages will end up in a notebook which I will carry around and plan to review on a regular basis.

The summer just seemed to be a big whirlwind and for awhile I felt out of control of so many things. I need to regroup and this is my way of doing it. There are so many things I want to make the time to do and I know I have to make a conscientious effort to do them.

I need to do more menu planning, time management so I have time to be doing the things I want to do and not just fall asleep in the evenings watching TV.

September is my birthday month and as such I've always considered it my New Year. Change is in the air and I'm going to be a part of it. Basic self improvement, that's the direction I'm headed.

Here's a fall picture from another year. We aren't quite up to this color of leaves just yet.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Just Another Day

Here is a video of Gisele and I hula hooping, at least that is what we tried to pull off.

July Already and Only My 2nd Post this Year!

I have to say this year, 2023 has been a huge year of firsts for me. In January I went on my very first cruise. My friend Chris and I flew t...